More particularly, I have high expectations from:"De zee, Een fascinerende ontdekkingsreis door verleden, heden en toekomst van onze planeet" written by Frank Schätzing. The dutch version of the book "Nachrichten aus einem unbekannten Universum". I think reading this is a excellent preparation to the upcoming game Spore. The game is inspired on the movie "The power of ten". I saw that movie on the dutch television in "Zomergasten" in 2005. The guest was Robbert Dijkgraaf, one of the founding fathers of the string theory. Will Wright, the creator of The Sims, has created Spore partly inspired on the power of ten. Spore is an epic journey that takes you from the origin and evolution of life through the development of civilization and technology and eventually all the way into the deepest reaches of outer space.
The other books are:
- The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe written by Roger Penrose
- De Eekhoorn from Primo Levi, a work of fiction
- The world is flat by Thomas L. Friedman. Many people urged me to read it but somehow I didn't until now. I think the world is spikylike Richard Florida and Sophie Vandebroek, the Belgian chief technology officer of the American multinational Xerox ('Mijn vrije tijd beheer ik zoals mijn werk' by Tom Vandyck in De Morgen op 4/8/07)
- The paradox of choice by Barry Schwartz (see his lecture on Google Video or read the review in the New Yorker). I guess to learn some thoughts that counters the ideas of the long tail.
- De clan van de wilde honing van Ad Borsboom, I hope to gain some insight in the tribal functioning of the Aboriginals.I already explained my interest in authentizotic organistation
Nice to see that all books come from the local library except the book from Penrose.
Fine list! I'm very curious about that Penrose book. Let me know if it's worth a read (although, I don't expect it to be easy stuff :-o).
@wallie Penrose books are definitely worth reading if you're interesting in the matter. But if you can read it , is another question. Ploughing might be a better description of the activity ;-)
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